These days, everybody and their mothers are using VPNs. Whether it be accessing region-restricted content or keeping your browsing history intact, VPNs are some of the most useful tools while engaging in online activities. That said, in this “Best VPN for Windows” list, we’ll be looking at some of the best VPN providers for Windows users.
You might think - why do I need a list to tell me about the best VPN software for Windows? Well, that’s easy - with so many providers currently circling the market, it can get really difficult to choose the right one. Windows 10 VPN guides are there to help.
First, I’ll tell you about VPNs for Windows, in general. We’ll discuss why it’s worth using such a tool on the Windows operating system. After that, we’ll jump straight into the list that you can see below:
Let's talk about VPNs for Windows, shall we?
Why Do You Need the Best VPN for Windows?
The natural first questions that you might have probably sound something like this - but Aaron, why the hell do I need to learn about the best VPN for Windows 10? Can’t I just use any VPN and be done with it?
No, no, and no. Let me tell you why.
It is a common misconception that, if you need a VPN for some specific reason, you can just download any of the “100% frEe vPn, nO RIsk, saFEty guAranTEEd” VPNs and that’s that. Well, you can do so, but don’t be surprised when you discover all of the malware that you’ve downloaded with it.
This is especially true for Windows users. You see, the Mac OS is famous for being a bit sturdier when it comes to beating off viruses. Windows, however, is more susceptible - it’s easier to catch an unwanted keylogger or some other pesky nuisances. That’s why you need the BEST VPN software for Windows, and not just a random one.
All of the VPN providers that we’ll be talking about in this list are going to have a few different things in common. First of all, they all exceed in the security department. If a VPN logs data, doesn’t have good security measure or is simply sketchy, it has no place on this list.
Furthermore, all of the providers here have perfectly optimized user interfaces designed to suit Windows. No third party clients, no additional technical workarounds, none of that.
So, with that established, we can move on to the actual “Best VPN for Windows” list.