Don't miss easy scholarship opportunities
We aim to secure students’ privacy by creating best VPN reviews & want to help them secure their future by issuing scholarships. The team at understands how important education is - it helps you stay aware & informed at all times.
Since honest knowledge is our driving force, we are personally thrilled to help students with their financial struggles. If the cybersecurity scholarships, funded by best VPN reviewers, can make somebody's learning experience easier & more fun, then that’s what we’re aiming for!

How to apply for the best VPN easy scholarships?
To be able to apply for the scholarship, you have to create a short video, in which you tell us:
- How important is online privacy & security to students and why?
- What steps do you take to secure yourself online?
- What would be the scariest thing to happen to you online?
To be able to apply for the scholarship, you have to create a short video, in which you tell us:
In order to classify your videos as application, you are required:
1. To add this text description below your published video:
Importance of online privacy & safety. Top50vpn Scholarship 2020 -
2. At the beginning of the video, you have to state the following:
“This is a story for the scholarship”
Note: by submitting your video for the scholarship consideration you agree to allow Top50vpn to use your video for promotional purposes (social media, website postings, etc.).

Submission for the best VPN easy scholarships
Eligibility requirements for easy niche scholarships:
- You have to have a minimum GPA of 3.00 in order to prove good academic performance.
- You must be enrolled/must be planning to enroll in a 2-4 year college, graduate school or university based in the USA.
To apply for the cybersecurity scholarships, send an email to [email protected] (your email subject: Scholarship Application) with information listed below:
- Your full name
- Phone number
- The name of the college, university or graduate school you’re attending/planning to attend
- Year of study
- A link to your application video posted on Youtube, Vimeo or Facebook.
- Attach a file of your high school, college, university or graduate school recent transcript so the Scholarship Committee would be able to validate your GPA.
The winner of the scholarship will be contacted no later than August 31, 2020 via email. The winner will need to provide Top50vpn with current proof of enrollment or a letter of acceptance into a university, college or graduate school to receive the scholarship. If the winner doesn’t respond in 72 hours of the first contact attempt, a new scholarship winner will be chosen & announced.