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Free Proxy Sites List

Are you in search of some great proxy sites? Well, look no further - use our carefully crafted free proxy sites list, pick out the best proxy for yourself and start using it. It truly is that simple!

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Hide My Ass Proxy Free Proxy Sites

1 month - $12 per month; 12 month - $6.55 per month, 36 month - $3.30 per month
Chrome & Firefox


Proxy Site Free Proxy Sites

15 US servers, 10 EU servers
Supports Facebook & Youtube
1 month - $9.99; 1 year - $5.99
Chrome & Firefox


FreeProxy.win Free Proxy Sites

8 US servers, 1 EU server
Chrome & Firefox


Croxy Proxy Free Proxy Sites

1 month - $3.80; 3 month - $9.80; 6 month - $17
Chrome & Firefox


Hide.Me Proxy Free Proxy Sites

3 locations: USA, Germany & Netherlands
1 month - $14.20 per month; 2 years - $5.50 per month; 1 year - $9.10 per month
Chrome & Firefox


Free Web Proxy Free Proxy Sites

6 US servers, 1 EU server
Chrome & Firefox


Kproxy Free Proxy Sites

Claims to work with all sites
Basic plan - 10 days, $5.00; Premium plan - 30 days, $10.00; VIP plan - 180 days, $30.00
Chrome & Firefox


Hidester Free Proxy Sites

US & UK servers
128-bit encryption


Zend2 Free Proxy Sites

Supports Facebook & Youtube


Unblock Videos Free Proxy Sites

4 US servers
256-bit SSL encryption


Video Unblocker Free Proxy Sites

Unblocks Youtube & Dailymotion


My Proxy Free Proxy Sites

8 US servers, 1 EU server
12 IP numbers in 2 countries, slow speed, no encryption
1 month plan - $8.52 per month; 12 month plan - $5.63 per month; 6 month plan - $6.98 per month


Proxy Px Free Proxy Sites

Claims to unblock any website in the world
Supports Facebook & Youtube; SSL ecnryption


TurboHide Free Proxy Sites

Supports Facebook & Youtube


Much Proxy Free Proxy Sites

US server


Stop Censoring Me Free Proxy Sites

Free SSL web proxy
Supports Facebook, Youtube (Youtube download), Dailymotion, Twitter


Coolbits Free Proxy Sites

Simple free web proxy


Proxy Toolur Free Proxy Sites

7 US serves, 2 EU servers
Supports Facebook, Twitter, Youtube


Proxsei Free Proxy Sites

Simple free web proxy, anonymous emails, 1 US server


Filter Bypass Free Proxy Sites

128 / 256 bit encryption
Supports Facebook, Youtube, Dailymotion, Twitter

What are “Free Proxy Sites”?

If you’ve ever researched anything related to VPNs, chances are that you’ve come across the topic of free proxy sites or even some kind of proxy sites list. You might have wondered then and there - what is a “proxy”, and what does it have to do with VPNs?

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Looking for ways to secure yourself online? What if we told you that you can get the top VPN on the market for way less - grab NordVPN 60% discount now & get 3 months FREE!

Expiration date : 31/03/2025
3191 People Used
Only 99 Left

Well, free proxy websites are actually very closely related to VPNs. Allow me to explain.

A VPN is a “Virtual Private Network”. We use VPNs in order to keep our personal information safe, to access region-locked content, remain anonymous online, share files, and so on - there are a lot of very different uses for a proper VPN!

VPN Free Proxy Sites

You see, free proxy sites are somewhat similar to that. The core difference here is that they don’t really offer you all that many features - not even close to what you would get out of a VPN! Instead, accessing a list of proxy sites and choosing a single one for yourself, what you’ll be able to do with it is browse the web while remaining anonymous.

It’s kind of in the name, really. The term “proxy” refers to something that is there instead of something else - in this case, those things would be free proxy sites instead of your real IP. Free proxy websites do just that - they conceal your real IP address when you access some specific website, and thus the website isn’t aware that it is you that accessed it.

That’s all fine and dandy, but… Why would anyone want to use free proxy sites, in the first place?

Why Use Free Proxy Sites?

We’ve already established that free proxy sites can allow you to access some certain specific websites and conceal your identity while doing so. Why would you want to do that, though?

Well, the privacy of your data would be a pretty good place to start. You see, the standard internet user doesn’t even begin to imagine all of the different dangers and privacy breaches that might be lurking online. If you visit some shady sites without utilizing the services of a free web proxy list, your real information might leak to some hackers or spammers - not ideal.

VPN Free Proxy Sites

Even when it comes to reliable and trustworthy sites, though, things aren’t usually ideal, either. Most websites online collect your information - that’s why you have to keep agreeing with the cookie and privacy policies every single time you visit a new site. If you don’t want advertisers targeting you with their “personalized” ads, free proxy sites are a good solution.

Also, not letting the site you’re trying to access see your real IP address can bring in some different benefits, too. Say, you go to a website with your real IP, and you get a notice that, unfortunately, you are not allowed to access the domain because of the region in which you are located. Well, the solution here is just a single list of proxy sites away!

All in all, it’s obvious that free proxy sites can be a great help for anyone and everyone who wants to retain their anonymity online. That being said, they are still very different from the truly best tools for that - VPNs.

Free Proxy Sites VS VPNs - The Main Differences

Let me just be frank with you here - a reliable, high-end VPN is always going to be a better alternative than any and all free proxy sites out there.

Proxies are great for one-off instances when you just need a tool to help you in some certain, specific situation. Say, for example, that you need to access a website for a single time, and only check something - in this type of a scenario, sure, a free proxy might be a more tempting option than that of a VPN.

VPN Free Proxy Sites

Still, though, VPNs provide the same service… Just in a much better and more reliable way. You see, most of the top-tier VPNs use advanced data encryption protocols and can thus maintain a much higher level of information encryption and security.

Also, free proxy sites will never provide you with as many different services as a high-end VPN would. Different VPNs unlock the ability to torrent files, access tons of region-restricted content (Netflix is a good example), use the security tool on different devices - the list goes on and on!

How to Pick the Best Free Proxy Sites?

At this point in time, you now know what are free proxy sites, how they differ from VPNs and what they can be used for, too. Frankly, all that’s left to discuss is how you should go about picking the best free proxy sites for yourself.

The process should be pretty simple. You can never truly tell which proxy is going to be best for your specific wants and needs, right? Well, this is why we have developed a proxy sites list - here, you’ll be able to find some of the best free proxy sites on the web.

VPN Free Proxy Sites

All that’s left to do from that point onwards is to try some of the proxies out, see how they work for you and move on from there. It’s a completely “trial-and-error” kind of a deal - you might find the perfect match instantly, or it could take some trying out and looking around!

In any case, remember - if you’re serious about the safety of your personal information while browsing online, a high-end VPN is a much better alternative. It might be a bit of an investment at first, but it can truly save you a whole lot of money in the long run.

Verified Staff Pick


+ 3 Months Free

Looking for ways to secure yourself online? What if we told you that you can get the top VPN on the market for way less - grab NordVPN 60% discount now & get 3 months FREE!

Expiration date : 31/03/2025
3191 People Used
Only 99 Left


So - now you know all about free proxy sites! I hope that this mini-guide was useful to you, and that you will now have a much easier time differentiating between the proxies and VPNs!

Remember - a free proxy site is great for a single-time kind of a deal, but if you want to make sure that your data is safe, always choose the VPN alternative instead!


What are “free proxy sites”?

Free proxy sites, at first glance, are somewhat similar to VPNs - they are used to keep your private information to yourself when accessing a website by hiding your real IP and utilizing a fake one. That said, naturally, VPNs offer a vast array of additional features.

How are free proxy sites different from a VPN?

VPNs - even the less-known ones - allow the user to perform a wide array of different activities. Torrenting, accessing region-locked content, bypassing restrictions - you name it! Plus, VPNs usually have much higher security standards than those of free proxy sites - you if really need data security and anonymity, a VPN is the way to go.

Can I access any website with a proxy?

It depends. Some proxies allow you to access many different sites, while others only allow you to visit a select few. Pick out the preferred one from the free web proxy list, and find out for yourself!

Will I be able to watch Netflix USA with a proxy?

Usually, no. Proxies don’t usually utilize the best types of anonymity protocols, and so they tend to be able to only provide the user with some basic IP-hiding services. If you want to watch some restricted Netflix content, a VPN is a much better option for you.

Should I still use a VPN if I have a proxy?

Most definitely, yes. VPNs, in general, are much better options when it comes to the security and anonymity of your personal information. Free proxy sites are only viable short-term, for one-off instances.

How do I pick out the best proxy for myself?

The best proxy site for you is going to depend solemnly on your own, personal wants and needs. All you need to do is pick one from the list, try it out and see if it fits you!