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Uptime Calculators - Handy, Yet Underrated Tools
If you’ve been spending some time around website creation platforms and web hosting providers, you’ve likely heard the terms “uptime” and “downtime” being thrown around quite frequently. These topics are actually very important as far as the before-mentioned topics go! In this article, you’ll be able to learn all about them, while also finding the best uptime calculator out there.

Before we go ahead and take a look at our SLA calculator (or uptime calculator - call it as you will), we should first get the basics out of the way. To start off, we’ll cover what is uptime and what is downtime, and talk about the features required out of the best uptime calculator.
It’s also worth mentioning that, if you’re using a low-quality VPN, that might be the reason your desired site isn’t loading at a proper speed. If that’s the case, make sure to upgrade to a better one ASAP!
Best Uptime Calculator: What is Uptime, and What is Downtime?
Whether you’re looking for uptime or downtime calculators, it’s important that you first understand the differences between the two, and what they are, in the first place.
In the fields of website creation and hosting, downtime refers to the period of time during which the site is inaccessible - it’s down for maintenance, or is simply not loading properly. Uptime is actually the opposite of this - the term refers to the period of time during which the site is live and well.
While it may seem pretty simple at first, there are actually a lot of intricacies involved. This is especially true for anyone who’s interested in maintaining the uptime of a website at an all-time high.

This group of people are usually going to be ones who have just created (or are looking to create) their websites, and want to optimize them to be as accessible as possible.
So, who’s responsible for the uptime maintenance of your website? Well, partially, it’s your responsibility - the bigger part, however, falls on the shoulders of your hosting provider.
A hosting provider is a company that sells customers a place - in other words, space - to store their website, and then host it on the live servers. This is why, in major part, it is the responsibility of the hosting provider to, well… Provide you with some top-tier uptime parameters.
However, just how realistic are “top-tier uptime parameters”?
Honestly, quite realistic - that said, you shouldn’t expect 100% uptime. That’s not only unrealistic - it’s impossible. A website that would have a perfect uptime doesn’t exist, since there are always going to be some issues that arise, sooner or later (everything from unplanned maintenance to doxing or server breaches).
The Importance of Proper Uptime
Both uptime calculators and downtime calculators are becoming increasingly more popular as time goes on. This isn’t without a good reason, either - with so many people and businesses creating their own, specific websites, it’s important to figure out which hosting services are reliable, and which aren’t.
Naturally, the “reliability” of a hosting provider isn’t only measured according to the uptime that it provides. That said, it certainly is one of the main (if not the main) features - without proper uptime, nothing else really matters all that much.

Let me give you an example to better illustrate my point.
Say, you’ve decided to launch a small business of your own - one that would be based entirely on eCommerce. You find a seemingly-great hosting provider, create a website and import your products into it. Everything seems awesome - the templates are great, the variety of features is astounding, and the buttons are intuitive.
There’s only one problem - your site takes like 20 seconds to load. It keeps on crashing, and won’t actually even load properly, even when it becomes responsive.
In a scenario like this, not even the best uptime calculators are going to help you - while customers are going to come into your site, after they notice that nothing loads, they’ll jump right out. No amount of pretty design templates or innovative graphic elements are going to solve this issue - no customers equal no conversions, which means that your eCommerce shop is a failure.
Now, do you see what I mean? To put it bluntly, no matter how good of an offer you might receive from your hosting provider, you should always prioritize top-tier uptime parameters over anything else.
Often the Culprit, but Sometimes the Scapegoat
What’s worth mentioning is that often even the best SLA calculators aren’t going to tell you this very simple truth - hosting providers aren’t always to blame when it comes to your website experiencing downtime.
There are quite a few scenarios that might lead to your website being down. There are server maintenance issues, doxing and DDoS attacks, poor site optimization - you name it! You can always check whether or not the site is down with a special website checker - it works in a similar fashion as the uptime calculator does.
Speaking of which, an uptime calculator is actually the best place to start when you’re trying to find out whether or not the hosting provider of your choice is worth investing time and money into.
Just to stress the importance of uptime once again, let’s imagine that you’re choosing a hosting provider out of two distinct options - a company that’s called “Dog”, and another one that’s called “Sloth” (very original, I know).

Dog offers its customer 99,99% uptime, while a downtime calculator shows that Sloth websites have an average of 99% uptime.
Not even a 1% difference?! Pffff - that’s nothing! And Sloth is cheaper, too - a much better choice, right?
Ya… No. 99,99% uptime means that your site will be down less than 9 seconds per day (on average). 99% uptime, however, makes the downtime period almost 97 times bigger - 14 minutes per day, on average.
Do I need to elaborate any further? And we’re still in the 99s here - imagine coming across a hosting provider that would offer, say, 85% uptime.
So, uptime is important - that’s very obvious. Now, let’s talk about the only uptime calculator that you might ever need.
How to Use the Tool?
So - with such a wide choice pool but a single Google search away, why should you even consider picking our uptime calculator as your go-to tool? To be honest, I can give you a few distinct reasons.
- Simplicity. Our calculator is super-simple and straightforward to use. No fancy buttons, no data that needs to be entered no off-the-charts calculations - it’s easy to use, and does not require any knowledge about website creation, whatsoever.
- Reliability. Some uptime calculators found online are going to display randomly-generated information instead of the real numbers that you’re looking for. With our tool, you can rest assured that the information is going to be reliable and trustworthy.
- Precision. When it comes to uptime and downtime calculators, even 0,01% can make a difference. This is especially true when you’re choosing between two different hosting providers. Our calculator guarantees precise information.
So, then, how do you use the uptime calculator? Well, just decide on the percentage that you want to convert, input it and press ENTER - that’s literally it.
On the screen that pops up in front of you, you’ll see how the percentage that you’ve written into the calculator translates into uptime and downtime - in other words, just how worth it is to use the hosting provider you’ve chosen.
In this article, we’ve covered a lot of useful information - if you feel overwhelmed, that’s completely normal. In order to help some key points stick, let’s quickly summarize what we’ve talked about, shall we?

Uptime refers to the period of time during which a site is accessible, and downtime is the opposite - a time frame during which you won’t be able to reach the site (in other words, it’ll be down). While you should be careful while picking your hosting provider, do also keep in mind that there are other factors impacting your uptime, too.
Still, though, it’s worth mentioning that hosting providers are going to be the main factor that determines how good the uptime of your site is. As a general rule, you shouldn’t look at any providers that have less than a 99,95% uptime - even that’s comparatively low, but it all depends on your wants and needs.
If, however, you find yourself questioning the uptime of a site, you can always use our uptime calculator and check the facts for yourself. It’s easy to use, does not require any downloading or installation, and is reliable - what else could you need?
By now, you should have a pretty good idea of what is uptime and what is downtime, and why uptime calculators are important, in the first place.
Also, you should be quite a bit more knowledgeable about how to find reliable and trustworthy web hosting providers. Remember - a good hosting provider is the best way to guarantee the best uptime results!
Do keep in mind what I’ve mentioned at the beginning of this article, too - if you’re using a less-than-ideal VPN, that might be the cause of the site experiencing interruptions. Site speed is one thing, but low-quality VPNs might actually cause the site to seem down, overall - use only the best ones out there, such as ExpressVPN or CyberGhost!
Recent User Reviews
Protection on the website
A good VPN service will add additional protection to your site
Informative article
Thanks to the authors, now I understand this topic better
Useful tool
Thank you for this calculator, very useful
Additional load
It turns out that in order to ensure uptime of the site 99.9% of the time, you need to have the VPN working 100% of the time, which is very difficult to achieve
I support
I agree with the authors of the article that it is necessary to have a reliable VPN connection for the smooth operation of the site
This is very important
The site availability time is very important
Site performance
The site should be always available for my clients is very important
Small step
It seems that the uptime is quite small, but throughout the year a very large amount is added up!
Which provider should I choose with a good download condition?
Read the contract
In the contract on rendering of services should be an indication of uptime
If you are the one who provides services, then pay very close attention to the drafting of the contract
complete interdependence
full interdependence is required from the VPN provider, site hosting, and Internet provider
Service level agreement
An important aspect of all these agreements is to ensure quality service delivery
Unattainable ideal
Of course 100% availability is not possible
Always on top
This indicator must always be at the top, otherwise the site will not be idle
Full optimization
I see the site working every day, so I know that full optimization depends on the uptime indicator
The correct math
Think correctly when entering into contracts
Information society
Loading longer than 10 seconds already pisses people off, because it seems long
Unforced downtime
The site should not experience any downtime, even unforced
Your online store must always be available, otherwise you will not get customers
What’s the difference between ‘uptime’ and ‘downtime’?
Uptime refers to the amount of time that your website is live and reachable by users from around the net. Downtime is the opposite - it’s the period of time during which no one can reach your site, while it’s under maintenance or simply server lag, whether it be due to not using a proper VPN, or some other reasons.
What is an ‘uptime calculator’ good for?
Uptime calculators serve the purpose of informing the general public of what they can expect when choosing a web hosting provider. Same as how VPNs have various selling points that they emphasize, hosting providers also tend to emphasize their uptime - with the calculator, you can check and find out what to expect.
Can an uptime calculator check for how long my website has been down?
No. Thing is, many people think that this is what uptime calculators do - check your website. Instead, these calculators only show you what certain percentage values mean - they do not have the ability to check your own, individual site.
What is ‘SLA’?
SLA abbreviates as “Service Level Agreements”. It indicates the level of availability of a specific website. This level is agreed upon in advance between the client and the web hosting provider.
Can VPNs help get my website back up?
No. Still, if your internet connection is lacking, you might want to use a VPN in order to check whether or not your connection is at fault here, or if your site is truly down.
Is 100% uptime possible?
Definitely not. If you come across a web hosting provider that states to have a 100% uptime, you should turn away from it immediately - it’s likely a scam. Quite frankly, 100% uptime is impossible.